Yesterday we had a meeting to discuss the aspect of 'Sustainable Development for Higher Education'.
First, the terms - 'sustainabilit', 'sustainable development' and 'education for sustainable development'. What do they mean exactly? What are the Malay correspondence for them? All I can recall was Anise's suggestion - find a tight definition for both Malay and English which can be used in all disciplines. Hmmm...
Second, are the terms limited to environment, which, according to some, would correspond to 'alam sekitar'. Need to register myself in geography after this.
Third, since someone said it is difficult to get hit on the search engines, I am putting all three terms to see if this blog will get hit. According to Prof Ruslan Rainis, wordpress has a better chance than proper papers. Now let me try with blogspot. Here goes nothing... Wait, I think I'd better create twitter and do it ala Ashton Kutcher (
Whatever it is - Human must take care of Earth so that the future generation will have the opportunity to savour the beauty of all systems that make Earth.
I only wish that all wars (political and military) will end so that we can truly live in harmony and symbiotically with each other and with others in the ecosystem.
Wishful thinking? Sweden building nuclear waste site to last 100,000 years
The sensible Swedes like planning ahead. This time its storage for nuclear
waste from its own nuclear industry—storage that is supposed to last
100,000 y...
2 days ago